PTSD Treatment Centers in New Jersey

Have you or someone you know been struggling with addiction and underlying mental health conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder? Trauma comes in many forms, from witnessing violence to surviving a natural disaster, and its impact and symptoms can affect your daily routines. When you add drugs or alcohol to the mix, it becomes that much harder to heal.

PTSD and substance use disorder often go hand in hand and getting the right dual-diagnosis treatment is critical to overcoming both. Blue Star Recovery’s Dual Diagnosis program treats both PTSD and addiction simultaneously, helping you better understand how they reinforce each other and giving you the skills and support to move on from your trauma in a healthy way. Keep in mind that overcoming trauma and addiction is achievable with the right support and resources.

ptsd treatment center in NJ

PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is a mental health condition that a deeply distressing event can trigger. Its symptoms often include flashbacks, nightmares, intense anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the traumatic experience.

A significant issue with PTSD is its tendency to co-occur with substance use disorder. Many individuals turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to temporarily escape the pain, anxiety, or distressing memories associated with their PTSD. Unfortunately, this can lead to a dual diagnosis where both disorders exacerbate one another, making the situation even more challenging.

Moreover, those grappling with PTSD are at a heightened risk of developing substance use disorders due to the ongoing stress and emotional turmoil linked to their condition. To cope with their symptoms, they may turn to substances. There are biological factors at play in the connection between PTSD and substance abuse as well. Chronic stress from PTSD can lead to changes in brain chemistry, making the brain more susceptible to the addictive qualities of substances.

For those who already have a substance use disorder, experiencing a traumatic event can trigger a relapse, as the emotional turmoil of PTSD can undermine their efforts to maintain sobriety. This intricate relationship between PTSD and substance abuse underscores the importance of integrated treatment approaches to address both conditions simultaneously.

Individuals in search of comprehensive care for co-occurring PTSD and addiction in New Jersey can turn to specialized PTSD treatment centers. These centers provide specialized support from professionals skilled in addressing both conditions together. They adopt a holistic approach that integrates therapy, medication management, and a supportive environment to facilitate recovery and promote healing.

Reach out to Blue Star Recovery Today!

At Blue Star Recovery, we are dedicated to providing compassionate care that helps our clients heal, recover, and thrive. Contact us today to learn more about our treatment options and how we can help you or your loved one start the journey toward lasting recovery.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of PTSD?

If you’ve endured a traumatic experience, you may find yourself experiencing the symptoms of PTSD. Though you can endure trauma without developing the condition,  PTSD may cause you to struggle when recovering after a terrifying event. Some common signs of PTSD include:

  • Flashbacks: You may have vivid flashbacks, distressing thoughts, or nightmares that bring the traumatic event back to the forefront of your mind. This causes you to relive the experience.
  • Avoidance of reminders: This involves deliberately staying away from people, places, or activities that may trigger distressing emotions and memories of the traumatic experience.
  • Hyperarousal: You might feel constantly on edge, experiencing heightened anxiety, irritability, difficulties with sleep and concentration, and becoming easily startled.
  • Mood Changes: If you’re struggling with PTSD, you may notice that your mood shifts quickly, or observe changes in your typical personality.
  • Negative thoughts: PTSD can lead to negative self-perception, a pessimistic view of the world, feelings of hopelessness, and difficulties experiencing positive emotions.
  • Emotional Numbness: You may feel emotionally numb or detached from others, making it challenging to connect with loved ones or experience joy and satisfaction in life.
  • Physical pain: Some individuals with PTSD may also experience physical symptoms like headaches, stomachaches, or other unexplained pains, which are often linked to their psychological distress.
  • Social withdrawal: With this symptom, you might withdraw from social activities and isolate themselves from friends and family.
  • Sleep disturbances: Sleep problems are common in individuals with PTSD. This can include nightmares, night sweats, or insomnia.

How are Co-Occurring Disorders Treated?

Co-occurring disorders, where individuals face both a mental health disorder, like PTSD, and a substance use disorder necessitate a comprehensive and integrated approach. Each treatment plan is tailored to the individual’s unique trauma history, addiction patterns, and mental health needs. The following list describes how co-occurring disorders are typically treated:

The first step is to conduct a thorough assessment to determine the extent and nature of each disorder. Since many symptoms of mental conditions can overlap, it’s important to ensure you receive an accurate diagnosis for you. This assessment helps in creating a tailored treatment plan.

Integrated treatment, often known as dual-diagnosis treatment, addresses both mental health and substance use disorders simultaneously. This approach ensures that all aspects of an individual’s condition are considered. Integrated treatment can help you recieve more personalized care that addresses all of your symptoms and considers how your dual diagnoses interact.

Evidence-based psychotherapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), are often used to treat co-occurring disorders. These therapy programs help individuals understand and manage their symptoms, cope with triggers, and develop healthier thought patterns and coping strategies. The type of therapy you recieve often depends on your preference and the experience of the counselor you choose.

In some cases, your doctor may prescribe medication to manage the symptoms of your mental health disorder. This medication can include antidepressants for depression or anti-anxiety medications for anxiety disorders. Medication management is typically combined with therapy for the best results.

Support groups provide individuals with co-occurring disorders the opportunity to connect with others who are facing similar challenges. These groups offer a sense of community and a space for sharing experiences and coping strategies. Many recovery programs have support groups built into the program, even in outpatient programs in New Jersey.

A significant focus of treatment is on relapse prevention. This involves identifying triggers and developing strategies to avoid or cope with them. It’s also important to learn techniques to prevent a return to substance use.

Some treatment programs also incorporate holistic approaches, such as mindfulness, yoga, and exercise, to promote overall well-being and stress reduction. Though these approaches focus on natural remedies, your treatment program may combine medication and holistic practices. Holistic approaches offer more choice to your treatment process, as it can involve physical activities and diet changes.

In many cases, family therapy or counseling is beneficial. Family support can play a crucial role in recovery. Much like support groups, family can provide moral reinforcement.

The treatment plan may include a continuum of care with various levels of treatment intensity. After an initial phase of more intensive treatment, individuals may enter outpatient care or aftercare programs. This means you may experience several phases of treatment until both you and your counselor are confident in your mental health.

Conquering PTSD and addiction simultaneously necessitates support from professionals utilizing an integrated treatment approach. This helps people become stronger, find inner peace, and regain control of their lives. The key is to address both problems thoroughly and offer continuous support for recovery. In New Jersey, places like Blue Star Recovery are here to assist people on their journey to healing and hope.

Blue Star Recovery’s Dual Diagnosis Program

Blue Star Recovery offers a specialized dual-diagnosis treatment program uniquely designed for individuals grappling with both PTSD and addiction. Our trauma-informed approach is centered on helping clients address the underlying causes of addiction through counseling and holistic therapies.

Furthermore, our dual diagnosis program incorporates evidence-based treatments such as exposure therapy, cognitive processing, and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) to assist in reframing negative thoughts and processing traumatic memories. Medication management, individual and group counseling, along with alternative therapies like yoga, art, music, and equine therapy, are also provided.

The value of dual-diagnosis treatment is paramount. By addressing both PTSD and addiction concurrently, this program equips clients with coping strategies to prevent future relapses and empowers them to lead healthier, happier lives free from the burden of traumatic stress and substances. Dual-diagnosis treatment recognizes the interplay between mental health and addiction, allowing for more comprehensive and effective care. It acknowledges that addressing both issues is crucial for achieving lasting recovery and improving overall well-being.

ptsd treatment center New Jersey

Don’t Wait, Seek Help Today

At Blue Star Recovery, we are dedicated to delivering the utmost quality of care to our patients. We understand that each individual’s journey is unique, which is why we provide personalized PTSD treatment options. The time to confront and address the symptoms of PTSD at our specialized PTSD treatment centers is now.

If you or a loved one are in need of assistance for both PTSD and addiction, Blue Star Recovery, with its expertise in dual diagnosis, is here to provide essential treatment. Reach out to us to learn more about the programs we offer.  Take the first step towards a path of healing and recovery!